Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Free = Good

I've mentioned before that I'm always up for a deal, especially when it comes to things for Miss Olive who will 1) not know any better and 2) use/wear most things for only a short time.

Tonight the Hubby and I took the little one to dinner at Chili's, where we found out after arriving that kids 12 and younger eat free on Tuesdays.

Though the Ladybug just turned 1, we recently started ordering her, her own kids meal when we go out to eat because then she can have as much as she wants of what she likes plus try whatever she'd like off mine and the Hubby's plates.

Here's my beef (no pun intended ... OK, maybe just a little pun ...) with kids meals: At some restaurants we can pay $5 or $6 for Kraft Easy Mac with a side of broccoli, which Miss Olive might - on a snarky day - eat three bites of and be done.

I'm all about the free kids meal. I doubt most kids finish every bite of their pint-sized burgers or two-piece chicken finger meals. As long as the child meal is free along with the purchase of an adult meal, I doubt the chain restaurants that offer these freebies are loosing money.

In honor of the Ladybug's free cheeseburger, mashed taters and "moo juice" (chocolate milk that she will ONLY drink because she is convinced it will make her "Moo" after every sip), here is a Website I found on which you can search for free and discount kids meals near you - http://kidsmealdeals.com/.

Miss Olive seriously enjoying her cheeseburger.


  1. Thanks for the link. I agree totally with the free kids meal! Totally unnecessary to pay for a meal for a Small child. LOL!
