Monday, March 14, 2011

The Time Change is Slowly Killing Me

Oh Spring Forward, how I hate thee.

I realize it’s only an hour. I realize for most people – which used to include me – it’s only a 60 minute change.

I now have a baby, and I no longer see Spring Forward as “no big deal.”

That one little hour has thrown the Ladybug’s sleep schedule into a tailspin. She has barely napped in the past two days, didn’t sleep much last night, and has fought going to sleep the past two nights.

Poor Olive is so confused. And I am exhausted.

I’ve tried moving her typical naptimes bit by bit to get her from her normal time – now an hour later – to the Spring Forward time, but she’s not having it.

Because Olive was going on so little sleep, and because we went to her cousins’ birthday dinner tonight, I thought she’s be beat-up tired tonight. She fell asleep on the drive home. She could barely keep her eyes open while I got her ready for bed. She snuggled up in my arms and seemed like she was about to drift off.

Then, my night owl’s eyes popped wide open, and she started pointing and cooing at the window – just like she does every morning so we can pull the curtain back and look at the light outside.

Though I’m so ready for winter to be over and I know longer days are a sign of that, I found myself damning the extra daylight. “Why can’t it just be dark so she can sleep peacefully?” I thought.


After some coaxing, much rocking and some extra snuggles, Miss Olive has been asleep for a couple hours now.

For her sake and for my sanity, I hope tonight gets a little easier, and tomorrow even easier, and so on.

If not, I’m changing the clocks back, and I’ll be really early everywhere I go. But at least I’ll get some sleep. 

This is what my lovely little one used to look like during naps and nighttime. Oh how I long for more of this in my future. (And yes, she is, in fact doing the Running Man in her sleep.)


  1. I love it! Yes, Ladybug and I will be breaking out the running man together very soon! LOL!
