When I was prego, it was kind of cute that as the size of my belly grew, so did the amount of baby stuff added to our home.
The closer it got to baby-day, the harder it was to go into any store that sold anything and NOT buy something that I was sure my little bundle of joy couldn't possibly live without. Itsy bitsy pink shoes - check. Frilly socks - check. Miniature-sized hippie skirt - check. Diapers, wipes, furniture, bottles, ridiculous number of other baby necessities - check, check, double check.
In the almost nine months since little Miss Olive moved in, the stuff has continued to take over. From tummy time toys to crawling aids, a jumperoo and learn-to-walk assistants, our living room has become a virtual Toys R Us. We've added colorful baskets and bins and a bookcase to help contain the toy explosion, all of which have saved the hubby and myself from being buried alive.
Today, we made another move toward containing stuff that we anticipate will continue our way.
As it is, we have a tiny freezer - so tiny you can't even fit a family-size frozen pizza inside.
So today, we hit up Lowe's - where the baby girl was mesmerized by the massive number of ceiling fans - and I'm happy to say that come Sunday, we'll have an additional freezer/fridge for storage.
It's nothing fancy, but it will be such a huge help. (Our new fridge/freezer) Now that Olive is old enough to enjoy things like mini toaster waffles and (whether she enjoys it or not) eat cooked frozen veggies, it will be great to buy a few things when they're on sale and be able to keep them on hand when she wants them rather than feeling like I have to run to the grocery daily to pick up something to use right away. And I'm sure it will be more and more helpful as the little one moves into the world of chicken nuggets, and as more little ones join our family in the future.
Who knew a 9-month-old would inspire the purchase of a major kitchen appliance?
Love this, Natalie! :) I can relate!! *Erin