So, it's been awhile, but here's an update of the last month ...
The Hubby got tickets for the three of us to go to a baseball game as part of my birthday present. It was Miss Olive's first game. She loved yelling "ball" and the action of the day. It rained (a lot at times) but she proudly wore a garbage bag poncho and her "ball hat," which she got that day and might have been her favorite part overall. |
We went to an Oktoberfest with family and friends. Miss Olive posed with one of her cousins, both sporting lovely chicken hats. It was chilly but very fun. |
Me, Miss. Olive and the Hubby taking a break from dancing at Oktoberfest. An annual event that we love, love, love! |
BIG NEWS: We found out the baby on the way will also we a little girl! Miss. Olive is very excited about her little-sister-to-be. We're going name the newbee Cecilia Ruth ... Ruth after The Hubby's great aunt. Olivia calls the baby CeCe, which will be her nickname, and she loves to point to, pat and kiss my belly and tell us about CeCe. Too cute! |
Miss Olive and Mommy making bedazzled pumpkins for Olive and baby CeCe. A craft project that didn't go as well as we planned thanks to less-than-sticky self-adhesive "jewels." We made it work, damnit, because I refused to fail at crafting! |
Olivia with said bedazzled pumpkins. |
One more just because it was cute. |
Miss. Olive at a Halloween party we went to at the local library. Though she appears to be a pirate in this photo, she is not. Just a kiddo enjoying some yummy orange icing. |
Ta-dah! Olivia actually sported a garden gnome costume for Halloween. We took some photos after the library party because the weather was gorgeous. |
The gnome and The Hubby. When did she get this big? |
Olivia and The Hubby after she helped him carve her pumpkin. By help, I mean she touched the pumpkin gunk twice, said "Eeewwwwwwww," with a crinkled nose and watched him do the rest. |
Olivia did help put the fake candle inside. She was all about the fake candle. |
Miss. Olive sporting a balloon crown from a Halloween party we went to at a local mall. Her new things is to squint while she says "Cheese" for pictures, just in case the flash is too much. She looks goofy, but it cracks me up. |
The pumpkin I carved for Miss. Olive. She loves Minnie Mouse, so we went with it. And, yes, it is photographed on our toilet because we needed somewhere dark to take the picture. |
Mommy and Olivia ready to head out for trick-or-treating. Baby CeCe helped me be a pumpkin. |
Olivia diligently searching for something specific in her pumpkin candy basket. This went on for at least three minutes. |
Walking to the next house with The Hubby. Again, Olivia prepped her eyes for the flash. |
The loot. Olivia was most impressed by the Hershey Kisses and the Dum Dum Pops. She had a couple Kisses before zonking out. Overall, she did well, telling everyone "Tic A Tee" and saying "Tank Ew" before quickly turning and yelling "Bye," while jetting off to the next house. She got the hang of this trick-or-treating thing pretty quick. |